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Download Rough Justice ’84

Release Date December 20, 2023
Genre Strategy, Board Game, Puzzle
Publisher & Developer Daedalic Entertainment
System Nintendo Switch
Image format NSP
Game version 1.0
Language English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Required firmware 16.1.0
Multiplayer Single System (1)
Age rating Everyone 10+
Supported play modes TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode

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Rough Justice ’84: Navigate the gritty world of 1980s noir crime, employing a board game-inspired strategy in this solo gaming experience. Manage a private security agency using dice, cards, and puzzle-solving skills to tackle security, fugitive recovery, and repossession cases.

Recruit freelance agents with diverse skills to handle different cases, strategically expanding your roster through completing caseloads and earning rewards. Delve into cases involving security, repossession, fugitive recovery, or moonlighting, requiring careful planning and the selection of the right agent for each job.

Agents possess five stats with values ranging from 0 to 5, determining the number of dice allocated for stat rolls. Encounter genre-specific puzzles within cases, including cryptograms, digital and analog mechanics, and reflex-based challenges.

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  • Rough Justice ’84 NSP ROM
  • Size: 3.51GB